Communications with the Outside World


The Summer Field Program is taught on the Plumas National Forest, nine miles west of Quincy. The outside world can reach you by mail and telephone at:

Mail: c/o University of California Forestry Camp, P.O. Box 340, Meadow Valley, CA 95956
Telephone: Cell phone reception is highly variable depending on carrier and location. Please, no calls during the day – tell your family and friends that you’ll be in class or out in the woods and unable to be disturbed. We will have an internet link set up so that you can read your email.

Living Arrangements

Accommodations consist of a number of 10-person (two people per room) dormitories. Rustic two-person cabins are also available. Beds and mattresses are provided, but students must provide their own bedding and pillows. Meals are provided by a cook and staff who are hired for the summer by the Department. There are no accommodations for visitors except on weekends. Prior approval for overnight visitors is required, and room charges should be paid to the Camp Manager. No pets are allowed.

Other facilities include a study hall, a dining hall, a fire circle, toilets, showers, clothes washers and dryers. Volleyball, ping-pong, horseshoes, and basketball areas are on-site, while other recreational opportunities exist at Bucks Lake, in Quincy, and in the surrounding Plumas National Forest.



Forestry Camp facilities will open on Sunday morning before start of camp. Students will be expected to register by 5 p.m. There will be an informal evening organizational meeting that evening at 7 p.m. Classes will officially begin at 8 a.m. the following morning.

Upon arriving at Forestry Camp, students should report to the office in the “upper camp” area for assignment of accommodations. Parents or visitors accompanying students on their trip to Camp are encouraged to visit and familiarize themselves with the students, staff, and facilities.

Instruction and related activities occur Monday through Friday and on some weekends. Although there is considerable variation in the daily work schedule, a typical day goes something like:


7:00 – 7:45 a.m. Breakfast and pack lunch
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Lecture on the day’s work
9:15 a.m. Begin field work
Lunches are usually eaten in the field.
4:00 p.m. End of field work
6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Evening study hall




There may be occasional evening sessions and visitors to camp (alumni and other professionals who may be available to talk with students). Additionally, the students can plan on about one hour of chores per day such as clean-up and maintenance activities. On most nights, some time will be spent writing reports, making computations, or studying. Each student will be assigned some work related to closing of camp, and will be free to leave after this work has been satisfactorily completed.


Food Services


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served from Monday through Friday. Lunches are usually eaten in the field, and are prepared by each student following breakfast. A regular breakfast is served on Saturday, and a limited breakfast and full dinner is served on Sunday.

One or two dinners per week will be entirely vegetarian. Students who are vegetarians or who are on special diets should have indicated their needs on their application form. The cooks will make special arrangements to provide adequate food at all meals for vegetarians. However, students who do not eat any dairy products (milk, cheese or eggs) must contact the Program Director before going to camp.

A refrigerator and microwave oven are available for student use in the dining hall. The main kitchen is not available for student use. Because of wiring problems and potential fire hazards, hot plates are not allowed in the dining hall or in any other building at camp.


Medical Care


Students are required to provide proof of summer health insurance before leaving for camp and should also remember to take insurance cards to camp. Students currently registered on the Berkeley campus can obtain a SHIP card from the front desk at the University Health Service (Tang Center), 2222 Bancroft Way. Non-Berkeley students are responsible for acquiring their own insurance coverage. Those currently registered at another University of California campus should check with the student health service at that campus.

In addition to the student’s own health insurance, each registered Summer Camp student is covered by a $5,000 University insurance policy which covers injuries sustained in connection with University-sponsored activities. In the event that a student is seriously ill or injured during residence at camp, he or she will be taken to the hospital in Quincy and the person(s) the student has specified to be notified in case of illness will be informed. Normally, there will not be any out-of-pocket expenses for out-patient treatment. However, if prescription medication is required as a result of illness or injury while at camp, students should be prepared for out-of-pocket expense. Prescription cost may not be reimbursed or may be only partially reimbursed. If you currently require prescription medication, please acquire a supply adequate to your stay in summer camp prior to departure and remember to bring it with you. Students should be up-to-date for tetanus shots or boosters. Please see your doctor for advice and inoculation prior to leaving for camp.


Procedures for Obtaining Medical Attention


In the event you or a fellow student needs medical attention during residency at camp, you will be taken to a doctor, to a community clinic or to the Plumas District Hospital in Quincy. You or your escort should state that you are part of the UC Forestry Summer Field Program, and you should present your personal health insurance card [whether Tang Center (SHIP) or other insurance]. In addition, an American Home Assurance (the carrier for the $5000 policy) Proof of Loss Form must be filled out by the Camp Manager or by a GSI prior to receiving treatment. The filled-out form must be left with the doctor or hospital to be completed, signed and returned to the Camp Manager with the hospital’s invoice. If neither the Camp Manager nor a GSI is available, you or your escort should fill out the form. There are forms in all the camp vans and in the office. [Note: The American Home Assurance policy will cover only prescriptions that are required due to an illness or an accident that occurs during summer camp. In the event of a serious injury or illness, the emergency contacts person(s) you have specified will be informed.


Student Health Insurance Plan Coverage (SHIP)


To obtain authorization for non-emergency services call Tang Center at (510) 642-5700. Prior authorization for non emergency service is necessary to insure that the claim is paid. Note: SHIP will cover 80% of pharmacy changes up to $500 maximum per calendar year. In the case of emergencies, you must notify the Tang Center within 24 hours after receiving emergency treatment.


Other Health Insurance Coverage


If you have health insurance coverage other than UCB SHIP, follow the instructions on your health insurance card. Most health plans require prior authorization for non-emergency service outside the home area and most health plans require notification within 24 to 48 hours after receiving emergency treatment outside the home area. Individual plans vary on their coverage of prescription medications.


Medical Bills


If the medical services you receive are not covered or only partially covered by SHIP or another health plan, you may receive an invoice in your name. If you receive such an invoice while you are at camp, give it to the Camp Manager. If you should receive an invoice after you leave camp, you must send the invoice to the ESPM Director of Administration and Operations at the address below. If they do not receive the invoice, it will not be paid and may affect your credit rating.

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